Civil Engineering BSc program

Name of master’s program: Civil Engineering Undergraduate Program

Specializations available: Structural Engineering Specialization

Field, branch: engineering; civil engineering and mechanical earth sciences

Level: undergraduate

Qualification: Civil Engineer

Mode of attendance: Full-time

Faculty: Faculty of Engineering

Program coordinator: Dr. Imre Kovács head of department, college professor

Person in charge of the specialization: Dr. László Radnay college associate professor specialized on structural engineering

Program length: 8 semesters

Credits total: 240

Objectives of the undergraduate programme, competences to be acquired
The objective of the programme is to train civil engineers who are able to assume structural, maintenance and operation, business and magisterial tasks on buildings, to solve problems of design and simple tasks of development, complex civil engineering planning. They are up to improve their professional academic knowledge in the master programme.

Professional competences to be acquired
a) knowledge
He/She knows

  • the most frequently applied structural materials, their properties and their terms of application in the field of civil engineering.
  • the essential design principles and methods applied in civil engineering.
  • the essential processes in building technology, the operating principles of applied equipment and machineries  
  • the methods and principles of groundwork, geomechanics.  
  • the most frequently applied procedures of measurement and survey in civil engineering and their tools, instruments, measuring machinery.  
  • the professional theoretical and practical building-maintenance methods of bridge art.
  • information and information communication methods and procedures in association with his/her profession.
  • major standards in the field of civil engineering
  • the major work and fire safety requirements and environmental protection regulations in the field of civil engineering.
  • the basics of logistics, management and quality assurance, law, economics forms an integral part of civil works.
  • the methods of data collection ,learning and their ethical limitations in the field of civil engineering.

b) skills
He/She is able to

  • understand behaviour of buildings and phenomena that affect engineering work.
  • apply models of civil engineering design and methods of calculation.
  • apply technical specifications on building constructions and operation.
  • communicate in engineering way (eg. through drawings).
  • achieve as a technical leader, civil engineering inspector and constructing, accessibility, maintenance, operation, enterprise, administration tasks in every field of civil engineering.
  • achieve civil engineering subtasks in the field of urban system operation and engineering
  • solve simple design and development tasks individually in narrower field of civil engineering, participate  in complex design and development tasks with his/her civil engineering knowledge.
  • work up and apply technical literature.

c) attitude
He/She is capable to

  • complete tasks at high quality to the best of his/her ability
  • be open to complete his/her tasks individually but in collaboration with other participants.
  • endeavour to solve tasks and make decision with learning the opinion of the directed colleagues preferably in harmony with it.
  • be open to learn professional and technological development in the field of civil engineering and preferably his/her restricted specialty.
  • aim at continuous self-training.
  • pay attention to the principles and application of environment protection, quality politics, equal access, the principles of health and safety at work and engineering ethics. He/she takes care of facilitating and treating employees’ professional improvement

d) authonomy and responsibility


  • makes decisions on simple design, structural, maintenance-operation, enterprise and authority tasks in the field of civil engineering.
  • manages and controls his/her staff according to his/her leader’s guidance of his/her leader, checks the operation of applied equipment and machinery.
  • evaluates the efficiency, security of the staff work.
  • monitors the legal, technical, technological and administrative changes in the professional field.

Completion of the academic program

The Credit System

Majors in the Hungarian Education System have generally been instituted and ruled by the Act of Parliament under the Higher Education Act. The higher education system meets the qualifications of the Bologna Process that defines the qualifications in terms of learning outcomes: statements of what students know and can do on completing their degrees. In describing the cycles, the framework uses the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS).

ECTS was developed as an instrument of improving academic recognition throughout the European Universities by means of effective and general mechanisms. ECTS serves as a model of academic recognition, as it provides greater transparency of study programmes and student achievement. ECTS in no way regulates the content, structure and/or equivalence of study programmes.

Regarding each major the Higher Education Act prescribes which professional fields define a certain training program. It contains the proportion of the subject groups: natural sciences, economics and humanities, subject-related subjects and differentiated field-specific subjects.

For the Civil Engineering BSc program the following professional fields define the training

  • natural sciences [mathematics (at least 12 credits), physics, mechanics, chemistry] 40-60 credits;
  • economics and humanities (economics, management and business economics, state administration and law) 15-25 credits;
  • civil engineering compulsory subjects (materials science, civil engineering draw, geodesy, geoinformatics, geotechnics, building constructions, civil engineering, traffic technology and water engineering, urban and environmental engineering) 80-120 credits.

Special knowledge can be acquired on the bases of the eligible specializations that are offered on demand of the civil engineering field. Within the programme 55-85 credits must be completed on the specializations offered by the higher education institution.

Minimum of credit points assigned to optional subjects: 12
Credit points assigned to thesis: 15
Credits total: 240

During the program students have to complete a total amount of 240 credit points. It means approximately 30 credits pro semester. The curriculum contains the list of subjects (with credit points) and the recommended order of completing subjects which takes into account the prerequisite(s) of each subject. You can find the recommended list of subjects/semesters in chapter “Guideline”.

Guideline (Lisf of Subjects/Semesters)

The total number of credit points (240) of the training program can be obtained by completing the subjects of the curriculum. There is a certain degree of freedom in the order students can complete the subjects. However, it is recommended that the suggested order be followed because some subjects can only be taken after the completion of the prerequisite subject(s), and/or can be the prerequisites for other subjects.

The list of subjects you have to complete in the semesters according to the model curriculum of Civil Engineering BSc programme Structural Engineering Specialization

1st semester

2nd semester

Mathematics I

Mathematics II

Descriptive Geometry


Informatics for Civil Engineers


Civil Engineering Orientation

Introduction to Building Construction

Civil Engineering Draw

Geoinformatics I

3rd semester

4th semester

Strength of Materials


Civil Engineering CAD I

Hydraulics & Hydrology I

Geoinformatics II

Geotechnics I

Construction Materials

Planning & Design of Transport Facilities

Theory of Transportation & Basics in Urban Planning

Theory of Design & Approximate Calculations

5th semester

6th semester

Theory of Girders

Construction Management

Introduction to Water Engineering

Geotechnics III

Geotechnics II

Reinforced Concrete Structures

Steel Structures

Building Design

Building Construction

Steel Structures for Buildings

7th semester

8th semester

Reinforced Concrete Structures for Buildings

Management & Business Economics

Timber & Masonry Structures

State Administration, Law & Estate Registering

FEM Modelling

Structural Engineering Compulsory Exam

Structural Design Project

Diploma Project

Bridges & Civil Engineering Structures


About the prerequisites of each subject please read the chapter “Course Descriptions”!

Work and Fire Safety Course

According to the Rules and Regulations of University of Debrecen a student has to complete the online course for work and fire safety. Registration for the course and completion are necessary for graduation.
Registration in the Neptun system by the subject: MUNKAVEDELEM

Students have to read an online material until the end to get the signature on Neptun for the completion of the course. The link of the online course is available on webpage of the Faculty.


Students majoring in the Civil Engineering BSc have to carry out a 6 weeks internship involved in the model curriculum. The internship course must be signed up for previously via the NEPTUN study registration system in the spring semester (4th semester). Its execution is the criteria requirement of getting the pre-degree certificate (absolutorium).

Objective of the internship, competences

Students get acquainted with professional work in conformity with their major at the company or institution and join in the daily working process. They have to resolve tasks independently assigned by their supervisor and gain experiences may be utilized later in the labour market. During the internship common and professional competences may be acquired. Common competences: precise working on schedule either individually or in team, talk shop applying correct technical terms. Professional competences: applying the professional skill gained during the training and acquiring new knowledge.

Places suitable for internship

All the organizations, institutions and companies in Hungary or abroad, provide students with the opportunity to acquire proficiency in accordance with their specialization in the field of operation, repairing technology, installation, management and development of different machines and vehicles, may be a suitable place.

All the necessary formal documents can be downloaded from the website of the Faculty of Engineering. (Current Students/Study Programs in English /Civil Engineering BSc/Internship)

Physical Education

According to the Rules and Regulations of University of Debrecen a student has to complete Physical Education courses at least in two semesters during his/her Bachelor training. Our University offers a wide range of facilities to complete them. Further information is available from the Sport Centre of the University, its website:

Optional courses

According to the Rules and Regulations of University of Debrecen a student has to complete optional (elective) courses during his/her Bachelor or Master training. These optional courses are opened by the Departments at the Faculty of Engineering at the beginning of the actual semester. A student can also select optional courses from other faculties of University of Debrecen to complete but these courses are accepted with less credits than they have originally. During your training you can complete optional subjects in any semester. There is no maximum limit of credits gained on optional courses but please note that courses completed on Erasmus scholarship often can be transferred as optional subjects into your curriculum. In the Civil Engineering BSc programme you have to gain at least 12 credits with completing optional subjects.

Pre-degree Certification

A pre-degree certificate is issued by the Faculty after completion of the bachelor (BSc) program. The pre-degree certificate can be issued if the student has successfully completed the study and exam requirements as set out in the curriculum, the requirements relating to Physical Education as set out in Section 10 in Rules and Regulations, internship (mandatory) – with the exception of preparing thesis – and gained the necessary credit points (120). The pre-degree certificate verifies (without any mention of assessment or grades) that the student has fulfilled all the necessary study and exam requirements defined in the curriculum and the requirements for Physical Education. Students who obtained the pre-degree certificate can submit the thesis and take the final exam.

Diploma Project (Thesis)

A Thesis is a creative, professional task (in the field of science, engineering, design, implementation, research, development or research development) on the basis of a specialization made in written form too. Its solution is based on the student’s professional studies, the study of domestic and international and the control of his/her supervisor and referee. Making and defending his/her thesis success a graduand on civil engineering bachelor of sciences program certifies that he/she is capable to apply his/her acquired knowledge in practice to summarize the work approved and the results in an expert way, to solve problems creatively in his/her topic, to provide independent expert work.

A graduand on bachelor program has to make a thesis as a prerequisite of taking a final exam. The requirements of the program includes the requirements on the content of a thesis, the general aspects of evaluation and the number of credits attributed to a thesis.

The number of credits attributed to a thesis is 15 in the civil engineering bachelor program.

Thesis topics announcement must be issued by the departments till the end of the 4th week of the final semester. A student can also offer a thesis topic of which adoption the head of the competent department decides. The requirements of adopting an essay written on Scientific Students’ Associations (SSA essay) to a thesis is controlled by the Faculty that is based on the fact that an SSA essay has to meet the all the formal and content requirements of a thesis and the evaluation committee of the internal conference suggest its development into a thesis. 

The formal requirements of a thesis is decided by the Department of Civil Engineering and they are delivered at the same time with the thesis topic announcement.  
Thesis making is controlled by a full-time instructor as a supervisor appointed by the department and an external person as a referee appointed by an industrial partner. The circumstances and partial deadlines decided by the department must be complied.

The faculty academic calendar (issued by the Vice-Rector for Education) sets the thesis submission deadline, for want of this the deadline is 12 noon the 14th day before the first day of the final exam. A thesis is evaluated by the supervisor and the referee (internal and external). The Head of Department of Civil Engineering makes suggestion on its qualification on the bases of the reviews to the Final Examination Board. If the referee or the supervisor and the Department may evaluate the thesis congruently with a fail mark by the head of department, the student is not allowed to take the final exam and is supposed to modify his/her thesis or prepare a new one. A student must be informed about it. Conditions on resubmitting the thesis are defined by the program coordinator.

State Exam

After the subject check list is approved a student finishes his studies with taking the state exam of Civil Engineering BSc. This state exam is to check and assess knowledge he acquired during his training and he has to prove that he is able to apply it. The requirements of the state exam are determined in the requirements of Civil Engineering BSc training.  A state exam is allowed to take in the exam periods. A state exam can be taken before the examination board. The State Exam Board consists of external (industrial or performing the profession) and internal members.  If a student does not complete his state exam till the termination of his student status he can pass it any time in a state exam period after the termination according to the operative requirements and rules on the state exam. 

In the major of Civil Engineering BSc the state exam means the defense of the thesis in 15-minute presentation that is followed by a 10-minute debate.

Evaluation of the state exam

The oral exam is evaluated according to a five-scale grading system then the final grade of the state exam is decided by voting in a closed consultation. In case of vote equality the Board Chairman’s vote is decisive. The result of the state exam is announced by the Board Chairman. A report is drawn up about the state exam. The partial results and the qualification of the degree must be registered in the lecture book too.

Repeating a failed State Exam

If any part of the state exam is failed it can be repeated according to the rules and regulations. A state exam can be retaken in the forthcoming state exam period. If the Board qualified the Thesis unsatisfactory a student cannot take the state exam and he has to make a new thesis. A repeated state exam can be take twice on each subject.

The State Board

The Chairman of the State Board is adjured from the external and internal experts in the field by the Dean with the support of the Faculty council. According to the tradition of the Faculty a vice chairman is appointed too in case he is unable to be present. A State Exam Board is formed by at least one external (industrial or profession performing) and two internal members (with a Ph.D. degree). The charge of the Board lasts for one year. The sequence of the candidates is put out by the Registry Office at the Faculty.


Legutóbbi frissítés: 2023. 09. 22. 08:47