
The Confucius Institute of the Faculty of Humanities of UD held a conference entitled “Tea culture in China and in Hungary” in Gyomaendrőd between 21-23 October. The academic presentations were accompanied by exhibitions, concerts, dance performance and sport demonstration.

The musical Hair, performed by a company comprised of international students, received a great applause in the university theatre. Representing 13 countries, the young actors and actresses amazed the audience on Sunday.

Vitesco is establishing an off-site department at the University of Debrecen. Based on the agreement signed on Thursday, the German company that manufactures and develops drive chains will be involved in the new electrical engineering master’s course of the Faculty of Engineering and in the mechatronics engineering programme.

Without plant protection, there is no efficient agriculture, as we learned at the 27th Eastern Hungarian Plant Protection Forum. At the event, organised jointly by the Institute of Plant Protection of UD and organisations operating in the sector, experts discussed the transformation of plant protection in Hungary and the impact of the relevant EU directives.

During his visit to Debrecen, David Pressman, the new US ambassador to Hungary was informed about the space research programme of the University of Debrecen. Ambassador Pressman was welcomed by László Csernoch, vice rector for scientific affairs.

Erasmus Teahouse, Foreign Exchange Platform and English-language Mobility Café promote Erasmus+ program applications and mobility at #ErasmusDays events of the University of Debrecen. In the series of programs starting on October 12, instructors, Hungarian and foreign students alike can find the ideal opportunity to study abroad.

DESzínház Vígkarma Társulat (Theatrical Company), which operates in professional partnership with the Arts Center of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Debrecen, represented Hungary at the AMAfest in Stuttgart with its English-language theater performance.

Abdukodir Toshkulov, the Minister in charge of higher education of Uzbekistan and Szilvássy Zoltán, rector performed negotiations on Saturday about the educational, research and innovation cooperation with the University of Debrecen. The Minister asked the University to take part in the work of the emerging Uzbek scientific and technological cluster.