The team of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Debrecen won 3rd place in the Best Presentation category at a conference held in Singapore. The main aim of the International Conference on E-Learning in Industrial Electronics is to present the connection between modern education and e-learning methods.

A team of students from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Debrecen was among the first three at the 29th National István Ajtonyi Control Engineering Programming Competition. There were teams from Hungarian, Romanian and Serbian technical institutions of higher education taking part in the competition held in Serbia.

The training session of the first group of students enrolled in the vehicle engineering bachelor's degree (undergraduate) program in the automotive vehicle engineering specialization at the BMW Group Factory Debrecen Training Center has been completed. Among other special fields, the participants were introduced to design, machining, sheet metal working and the assembly and disassembly of components.

The University of Debrecen has signed a cooperation agreement on research and education with the institution of higher education called Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, India. Owing to this partnership agreement, joint training and student exchanges will be possible in the future in the fields of engineering, information technology and natural sciences.

The University of Bonn, one of Germany's top five higher education institutions, plans to collaborate with the University of Debrecen in research in several disciplines. The two universities are expanding the cooperation started in the NeurotechEU programme, which aims to promote the development of neurosciences and coordinate research; university leaders discussed the expansion of the relationship during a two-day visit to Debrecen.

Samarkand State Architecture and Construction University will initiate mobility of teachers, researchers and students, as well as joint training and research projects with the University of Debrecen, according to an agreement signed on Thursday by the rectors of the two institutions. Cigdem Turkyilmaz also visited the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Economics.

The University of Debrecen students and researchers have provided the highest number of Fulbright scholars in Hungary - this announcement was made at the information session of the International Office of the University of Debrecen, presenting this year's applications of the world's most prestigious scholarship programme. Every year, Fulbright offers 25 Hungarian students, researchers and teachers the opportunity to work as academic researchers and gain professional experience in the United States of America.

The Faculty of Engineering of the University of Debrecen is intent on introducing innovative and experiential education in line with the expectations and requirements of the 21st century. This was announced at the conference entitled Industry Days in Debrecen, held on Wednesday at Nagyerdei Stadium, jointly organized by our institution of higher education, Debrecen’s Municipality and the Technical Committee of the Debrecen Academic Committee. There were about 30 industrial companies presenting their products at the trade exhibition linked to the program.

The opening event of CASA 15, an international design competition for students of architecture, was held this year at the Faculty of Technology of the University of Debrecen. The participants, around two hundred second-year students of architecture from three different countries, were instructed to design a residential building with community functions located on a specific site in Debrecen. The host institution, the Department of Architecture of the University of Debrecen, was represented by as many as sixty students partaking in the competition.

German Ambassador to Hungary Julia Gross paid her first visit to the University of Debrecen on Wednesday. First, she met with university leaders, then with faculty members and students from the Institute of German Studies at the Faculty of Humanities.