
During her two-day trip to Debrecen, Caroline Charette, Canada's ambassador to Hungary, also visited the University of Debrecen. First she had talks with the university management, followed by a lecture to the students of the Institute of English and American Studies of Faculty of Humanities. She also found the time to familiarize herself with the work the Canadian Studies Research Center.

Chen Kun, education Counsellor of the Chinese Embassy in Hungary visited the Confucius Institute of UD on Tuesday. At the event, the Hungarian director of the Confucius Institute of the University of Miskolc gave a presentation to students about industrial developments in China.

There are over 400 European universities that offer programmes for students of the University of Debrecen in the framework of the Erasmus mobility programme. Internship programmes are also available in the participating institutions of 34 European countries.

In the framework of the European Cooperation in Science and Technology, researchers of the Centre for Agricultural Genomics and Biotechnology have studied the molecular background of plants’ memory. The findings have been published in Trends in Plant Science, the most prestigious journal in the field.

The University of Debrecen has announced its next round of applications in the Erasmus programme for the academic year 2023/2024. More than 250 students will have a chance to complete a part-time study abroad or internship program in Europe or in a distant part of the world. The deadline for the applications is 15 March.

The Faculty of Medicine of the University of Debrecen offers applicants excellent teachers and infrastructure, and a unique environment. The Faculty also puts emphasis on talent management, research work and practice-oriented education.

Delegates of Turku University of Applied Sciences, which is a member of the CARPE consortium, have visited the University of Debrecen. On Monday and Tuesday they learned about UD’s degree programmes and discussed potential future research cooperation. The topics of the meetings also included the international mobility of students and researchers.

Our international academic relations and projects of cooperation were both promoted and strengthened by the interdisciplinary conference titled Kazakh-Hungarian cultural narratives, social and economic diversity. The conference was hosted jointly on Friday by the Department of Ethnography of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Debrecen and the ambassadorial system of National Association of Doctoral Students.

The University of Debrecen took the 89th place in the thematic ranking issued by Round University Ranking (for natural sciences). With this result, UD, the only Hungarian institution of higher education in the diamond league, was ranked in the top 100 in the 2022 rankings of RUR.

“Komondor”, a supercomputer with the highest computing capacity in Hungary, has been installed at the Kassai Street campus of UD. It will support the work of UD teachers and researchers. The computer of the Governmental Agency for IT Development will increase the currently available HPC capacity by ten times.