
15 PhD students of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Debrecen have attended this year's youth meeting of the European Parliament in Strasbourg. The European Youth Event offers thousands of young people from all over the world the opportunity to gain first-hand knowledge of the EU organization and meet decision-makers.

The fifth Rectors meeting of the European university consortium NeurotechEU, established to enhance cooperation in the field of neuroscience in a broader sense, was held in the Swedish capital. At the NeurotechEU Hackathon competition, introduced as a supplementary event, an international team, which included a researcher from the University of Debrecen, won first prize with their proposed solution to treat mental illnesses in young people.

During their five-day visit to the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Debrecen, the pharmaceutical students of the University of Oradea ((Nagyvárad) were involved in, among other things, the formulation of nanoparticles and the preparation of biocosmetics. There is an ever closer cooperation between the two institutions.

As the best Hungarian university, the University of Debrecen made it to the top 400 in Times Higher Education's latest rankings that assess universities against the UN's Sustainable Development goals (SDGs). On the famous British ranking Tier list, the institution made significant progress in three categories and overall. UD is now among the first 100 in the Partnerships for Goals category.

At a dissemination conference and workshop hosted by Egészségtudományi Kar [ETK] Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) of the University of Debrecen, international experts discussed the results of the HealAll project and health tourism education development in the digital space. The event, which was held at UD’s Innovációs Központ [Innovation Center] also showcased the potential of the e-Twinning innovative teaching method.

In addition to meeting South African students enrolled at the University of Debrecen, the high-ranking members of a delegation from the Republic of South Africa have learned about the program offer of our institution and the scholarship opportunities available through Stipendium Hungaricum.

The role of the family in education and vice versa as well as their interaction was analyzed at the international conference organized for the third time by the Faculty of Child Education and Special Education of the University of Debrecen together with the University of Pope John Paul II.

A leadership symposium „Past, present and future of the business service sector in Debrecen - Opportunities and challenges in the tripartite cooperation of secondary professional training, higher education and the sector” was organized by the Faculty of Arts of the University of Debrecen, the Debrecen BSC Roundtable and the Debrecen Vocational Training Center.

On May 24-26, 2023, the #CARPE2023 international scientific traveling conference was hosted by Glasgow, Scotland. The University of Debrecen was represented at the conference by a delegation of twenty, led by László Csernoch, vice-rector for science.

A student of the Faculty of General Medicine of the University of Debrecen achieved an outstanding result in the Polish capital at the international congress of medical students conducting research. Mihály Székely, who is a member of a research group in Debrecen working on the fight against tumors, won in his own section.