
This has been the eighth time that the Department of Mechatronics of the Faculty of Technology of the University of Debrecen (UD) has staged its professional event „Engineering and Mechatronics EEMC’21” on October 27-29 with the motto “Revolution of Smart Devices Containing Mechanical Components”.

Partners of the University of Debrecen are to present their research projects planned for the next seven-year economic cycle of the European Union and their possibilities for cooperation at the 2021 conference of the university network of applied sciences hosted in Debrecen between October 27 and 29

The University of Debrecen actively supports the activities of the recently established Jewish Scientific and Cultural Research Institute in Debrecen, stressed Elek Bartha, UD’s Vice-Rector for Education, at the organisation's partnership meeting.

Deputy Rector Elek Bartha represented the University of Debrecen at a meeting organized for the leaders of the universities participating in the NeurotechEU project in early October in Germany. The initiative was also joined by the European campus of an American institution.

Students of the UD, who took part in the nuclear energy competition, known as Hackatom organised by Rosatom Central-Europe, Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd. along with Paks II. Ltd, this spring, had the chance to get acquainted with Unit 4 of Paks Nuclear Power Plant on the spot.

Mobility, study abroad and internship opportunities were presented to the students of the University of Debrecen at the Foreign Exchange on the #ErasmusDays in the cloister of the Main Building. This year's exchange focused on the opportunities offered by the Erasmus + programme.

A joint online module titled “Forbidden City” has been launched by the Confucius Institute of the Faculty of Humanities of the UD and Tianjin Foreign Studies University. The official opening ceremony of the course was held on Thursday through an online video-conference.

In connection with the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festivities and with the start of the rice harvest in Hungary, the Confucius Institute of the Faculty of Humanities of the UD held a conference titled “Rice in China and in Hungary” on Saturday in the settlement Gyomaendrőd.

The representatives of Daimler, one of the world’s biggest bus manufacturer companies, visited the UD. The manufacturer discussed the opportunities of cooperation with their partner, Inter Traction Electrics Ltd., subsidiary of ITK holding. They met with the leaders of the UD.

The UD won the Breeding Award of the National Association of Hungarian Horse Breeders in the XXVIII. Great Plain Livestock and Farmer Days. At the largest animal breeding show in the country, the Gidran mare named DE Schemer Gidran I-54 (Serény) won the breed competition.